ESCAR 2017

This week, I attended ESCAR Embedded Security in Cars conference in Ypsilanti, Michigan. As my first conference I attended, I learned the valuable lessons: insight to fields and areas I have not been introduced before and potential to network with people in industry and academia. One very interesting presentation was use of ChipWhisperer to perform side-channel attacks to crack passwords and encryption using differential power analysis on common processors such as STM32F2.

During breaks, I attended multiple vendor booths and one in particular caught my attention. It was GRIMM. GRIMM engineers were able to have almost full access to one of the Ford Focus’s CAN bus without proprietary information. One thing that stood was how easy it is to get an access to the bus. In fact, they had a couple of demos where we could learn how to read packets to narrow down a function.  They gathered all the items from a single car from a junkyard. It is almost scary to know how easy it is to crack a car and control its power locks, warning lights, and instrument cluster.


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